Elizabeth smart

Elizabeth smart

Elizabeth smart

Elizabeth Smart said that How often we are shackled by the trap of negative thinking. There were always voices that resist ourselves to make change for the better. As if the conditions we are experiencing today is a legacy or even destiny can never be changed. If today we are living hand to mouth, then that's forever.

Is really so? Why negative thoughts are very powerful gripping our brains each of us intend to change? Is it true that our brains have been set to forward the suspicion bin wary of any changes?

Originally I wanted the story. Some time ago I met a friend. Long time no see you, his appearance changed drastically. Several years ago, his body 'fertile' with luxurious appearance. Standard of living more than the average person.

But when he met, his body is much thinner with a performance that is no longer 'wow'. His face was filled with gloom. He told me that his business was losing money until the end to be closed and leave the debt is so large.

Why he could be like that? He is a story that once when his business continue to thrive, he often hit by negative thoughts. That one day the business will decline and bankruptcy. Until it actually becomes a reality.

He then said, "Actually I know that negative thoughts do not yield any benefit. I also understand that I am the master of my mind. So I am free to choose the positive or negative thoughts in my brain. But until now I could not stop the negative thoughts always come to me. How do I fix this seat? "

I heard that question a little mystified. My friend seems to already know the cause. But always, and always he could not escape the trap of negative thinking.

From the encounter with my friend that I learned a lot. Yes, how we are easily trapped with a variety of negative thoughts. Although we may already know that it will not bring much benefit to ourselves. But often we are powerless to resist present. When in certain conditions, negative thoughts suddenly infiltrates into our minds. And we just realized a few moments afterwards.

Why would someone be infected by negative thoughts? Could be due to a bad experience. Maybe once experienced a similar thing that frightened him to step back for fear of a similar failure occurred.

Bad experiences trigger strong negative thoughts are retained in the mind. If we can not break a bad experience, it could be not only negative thoughts will never leave my mind. But will even continue to survive and forever in you.

Negative thoughts can lead to addiction. If you continue to keep the negative thoughts in your body, your body will get used to need it. As a result, all the things you will easily see the negative glasses.

Why are you stuck in negative thinking and hard to get out of it? Because it is easy to select it as the mind of the most convenient (probably) dwell in our minds. Vices more easily than the good we find. Moreover, choosing positive thoughts often bear the responsibility, while choosing not negative thoughts,she said when elizabeth smart on ABC news studio

Suppose that in starting an Internet business. When we know that these businesses also need sincerity and hard work, we are so reluctant to do so. And various negative statements-as-easy realization of negative thoughts out of our mouths. Because we are reluctant to take responsibility!

You still have the freedom to choose what thoughts will you plug in your brain. Let's begin to accept and embrace responsibility for your life.

If you are currently being sad, it's because you are upset. If there is a problem that was blocking us, we are responsible to complete. If someone needs you, then you shall help him. If I want a friend, then I should be attractive and inviting them to be comfortable with me. If I hate with my current situation is full of flaws, then I must immediately end it.

Therefore, the success did not come just to yourself. But since you are working on it,likes elizabeth smart did on ABC

Complaining is a form of denial of responsibility. And the attitude of blaming others is just another way to distance yourself from responsibility.

When you return in the future stuck in negative thoughts, STOP and ask yourself whether you want to avoid responsibility for the fact that you are facing. Or allow the 'little' attitude of responsibility to live in yourself. So you want to act to change your life for the better.

Let's charge against minds and our lives likes elizabeth smart did

Elizabeth smart

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